Welcome to the youth evangelization page of the Marion Catholic Community. Our ministry serves the elementary, middle school & high school students of our faith community and surrounding area. Through youth nights on Sunday, the Liturgy each week, retreats, service opportunities and youth gatherings, we seek to bring our young people into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Our goal is to lead our young people closer to Christ. To do that, our focus is on relational ministry and the Eucharist.
Our goal is to lead our young people closer to Christ. To do that, our focus is on relational ministry and the Eucharist.

Think you're too old or not cool enough to serve as a leader?
"When I went over to my friend’s house in middle school, and his dad and I were wearing the same Tommy Hilfiger hoodie, I didn’t think, 'Wow, Mr. Reid is the coolest!' I thought, 'I need to burn this shirt.' There is nothing more uncomfortable than an adult who just isn’t growing up. While you may be a Youth Minister, you are not a Youth...
The good news, my friends, is this: The Gospel is NEVER irrelevant. Bell bottoms may come and go, but forever, the message of the love of God will always be an answer to the longing of humanity. Take confidence in that. If you have the Gospel, you will always be cool enough."
Click Here for our FAQ page
We need people who can commit to praying for the youth ministry, the families, the teens, the leaders, and the young people we are still trying to reach. Please consider including us in your daily prayer.
Think you're too old or not cool enough to serve as a leader?
"When I went over to my friend’s house in middle school, and his dad and I were wearing the same Tommy Hilfiger hoodie, I didn’t think, 'Wow, Mr. Reid is the coolest!' I thought, 'I need to burn this shirt.' There is nothing more uncomfortable than an adult who just isn’t growing up. While you may be a Youth Minister, you are not a Youth...
The good news, my friends, is this: The Gospel is NEVER irrelevant. Bell bottoms may come and go, but forever, the message of the love of God will always be an answer to the longing of humanity. Take confidence in that. If you have the Gospel, you will always be cool enough."
Click Here for our FAQ page
We need people who can commit to praying for the youth ministry, the families, the teens, the leaders, and the young people we are still trying to reach. Please consider including us in your daily prayer.
What does that mean?
It means our ministry is focused on building relationships—with the youth and, in turn, the youth with Jesus Christ (especially Jesus in the Eucharist)—so that real change and transformation can occur in our young people’s lives.
Why do we do ministry this way?
Because this approach is founded in the Gospels. Jesus called men to follow him as disciples and eventually those disciples were commissioned and became known as the 11 apostles. The Gospel of Matthew ends with these words of Jesus to the 11 apostles,
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
Jesus talks about the need to spread the Good News throughout the world. This is where “Evangelization” and “Catechesis” come into the picture.
“Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.” Pope Paul VI
Sharing the “Good News” and inviting someone to experience the good fruit of that Good News.
The teaching and forming of students in matters of the faith.
Catechesis is a necessary component of Christian Discipleship and flows from Evangelization. So how do we share that “Good News” (Evangelize)?
Relational Ministry
We relate to the youth. We make the faith relatable to the youth. We show that Jesus Christ is relatable to who they are and what they want to become.
We all want the best for our youth: that they would be successful, responsible, caring, giving, happy adults. The Church has always taught that we can only experience true happiness when we are fulfilling our true purpose. How can we know our truest purpose apart from Christ?
We invite you to come join us today and begin the adventure of finding yourself in Christ.
It means our ministry is focused on building relationships—with the youth and, in turn, the youth with Jesus Christ (especially Jesus in the Eucharist)—so that real change and transformation can occur in our young people’s lives.
Why do we do ministry this way?
Because this approach is founded in the Gospels. Jesus called men to follow him as disciples and eventually those disciples were commissioned and became known as the 11 apostles. The Gospel of Matthew ends with these words of Jesus to the 11 apostles,
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
Jesus talks about the need to spread the Good News throughout the world. This is where “Evangelization” and “Catechesis” come into the picture.
“Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.” Pope Paul VI
Sharing the “Good News” and inviting someone to experience the good fruit of that Good News.
The teaching and forming of students in matters of the faith.
Catechesis is a necessary component of Christian Discipleship and flows from Evangelization. So how do we share that “Good News” (Evangelize)?
Relational Ministry
We relate to the youth. We make the faith relatable to the youth. We show that Jesus Christ is relatable to who they are and what they want to become.
We all want the best for our youth: that they would be successful, responsible, caring, giving, happy adults. The Church has always taught that we can only experience true happiness when we are fulfilling our true purpose. How can we know our truest purpose apart from Christ?
We invite you to come join us today and begin the adventure of finding yourself in Christ.
What is Youth Ministry in the Marion Catholic Community?
Advocacy - examining how well teens are integrated into the life of the community
Catechesis - learning more about Jesus, Church Teachings, Scripture, Sacraments, and living a Catholic Christian life
Community Life - building an environment of love and support with appreciation of diversity
Evangelization - sharing the Good News that the reign of God is realized in and through Jesus
Justice & Service - reaching out to those in need both within and outside of the parish
Leadership Development - affirming and empowering talents in teens and adults
Pastoral Care - caring for teens and families in crisis through support and counseling
Prayer & Worship - awakening the awareness of the spirit at work in their lives through communal prayer and liturgical experiences, especially the Eucharist
Why are we starting to focus on building relationships?
Youth Ministry is built on the relationships between Jesus, the student and other members of our parish. These relationships began at baptism and nourished in the Eucharist. All activities are to help these relationships grow and bear fruit by supporting the wonderful relationship the Lord has forged in their lives with parents, grandparents, confirmation sponsors, catechists and other members of our faith community. These activities supplement the students' experience of Jesus in the Eucharist in their primary Catechetical programs.
Advocacy - examining how well teens are integrated into the life of the community
Catechesis - learning more about Jesus, Church Teachings, Scripture, Sacraments, and living a Catholic Christian life
Community Life - building an environment of love and support with appreciation of diversity
Evangelization - sharing the Good News that the reign of God is realized in and through Jesus
Justice & Service - reaching out to those in need both within and outside of the parish
Leadership Development - affirming and empowering talents in teens and adults
Pastoral Care - caring for teens and families in crisis through support and counseling
Prayer & Worship - awakening the awareness of the spirit at work in their lives through communal prayer and liturgical experiences, especially the Eucharist
Why are we starting to focus on building relationships?
Youth Ministry is built on the relationships between Jesus, the student and other members of our parish. These relationships began at baptism and nourished in the Eucharist. All activities are to help these relationships grow and bear fruit by supporting the wonderful relationship the Lord has forged in their lives with parents, grandparents, confirmation sponsors, catechists and other members of our faith community. These activities supplement the students' experience of Jesus in the Eucharist in their primary Catechetical programs.
Communicate With Us
High School (9th-12th Graders), Middle School (6th-8th Graders), Elementary (4th-5th Graders)
High School (9th-12th Graders), Middle School (6th-8th Graders), Elementary (4th-5th Graders)
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