Make Your Offering Online
Please click on the church where you would like your offering to go
To access the former online giving platform (Subsplash), please click on your parish below:
St. John the Baptist Precious Blood St. Rose St. Sebastian Nativity BVM
Access to the former platform will be open until the end of January.
St. John the Baptist Precious Blood St. Rose St. Sebastian Nativity BVM
Access to the former platform will be open until the end of January.
Dear Parishioner,
Thank you for being one of our parishioners who utilizes online giving. Also, thank you for prayerfully reflecting on your stewardship gifts of treasure.
We are announcing that our online giving provider will be changing effective January 1, 2025. While we have enjoyed our partnership with Subsplash, we will be using eCatholic as our new provider. We have had an ongoing partnership with eCatholic in other areas of operations for several years now and switching to them for online giving will provide for a better user interface and reporting on the back end. You can easily make a secure donation via electronic check or debit/credit card by visiting our giving page on this website as you have done in the past. You can
even take care of a missed gift immediately from a cell phone or set up an online donor account for regular automatic giving.
If you currently have reoccurring gifts set up through Subsplash, please cancel any gift that is to come out after January 1, 2025. We will leave a one-month window open to ensure all gifts made through Subsplash still come to us. After January 1st, we will no longer be capturing gifts through Subsplash. Beginning on January 1st, you can go to our giving page on our website and set up your new reoccurring gift through the new platform.
Thank you for your continued generosity, prayers, and participation in the ministry and mission of your parish. Your efforts make so many things possible for our parish, community, and Church. I hope this new opportunity is something you will find valuable for your own needs. If you have any questions, please contact Sue at (419) 925-4775 Ext. 301.
Dear Parishioner,
Thank you for being one of our parishioners who utilizes online giving. Also, thank you for prayerfully reflecting on your stewardship gifts of treasure.
We are announcing that our online giving provider will be changing effective January 1, 2025. While we have enjoyed our partnership with Subsplash, we will be using eCatholic as our new provider. We have had an ongoing partnership with eCatholic in other areas of operations for several years now and switching to them for online giving will provide for a better user interface and reporting on the back end. You can easily make a secure donation via electronic check or debit/credit card by visiting our giving page on this website as you have done in the past. You can
even take care of a missed gift immediately from a cell phone or set up an online donor account for regular automatic giving.
If you currently have reoccurring gifts set up through Subsplash, please cancel any gift that is to come out after January 1, 2025. We will leave a one-month window open to ensure all gifts made through Subsplash still come to us. After January 1st, we will no longer be capturing gifts through Subsplash. Beginning on January 1st, you can go to our giving page on our website and set up your new reoccurring gift through the new platform.
Thank you for your continued generosity, prayers, and participation in the ministry and mission of your parish. Your efforts make so many things possible for our parish, community, and Church. I hope this new opportunity is something you will find valuable for your own needs. If you have any questions, please contact Sue at (419) 925-4775 Ext. 301.